
Have you ever felt like you were overreacting to the simplest things almost as if you knew you were overreacting, but did not have the power to stop yourself? If you have experienced a traumatic event, it is etched in a part of your brain called the amygdala. When we experience sights, sounds, smells, emotions or words that remind us of the trauma, we are “triggered” and the body remembers. It is as if we are thrown back in time to the trauma and we react with raw emotion from the unresolved trauma. Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based, highly effective treatment for trauma. Whether your trauma comes from rape, abortion, parental neglect, war and deployment, losing a child, an abusive relationship, or infidelity of a spouse, EMDR can help you. We will work gently with you as you explore the trauma and seek healing. There really is hope and life beyond trauma. For more information about this issue and how to overcome it, please refer to our resources.