You did it… again. Last time you promised yourself that you would never “lose” it again and that you would stop the yelling, cursing or reckless driving. You’ve tried and tried and just can’t stop the negative thoughts, constant irritation, impatience, angry outbursts, and frequent arguments. In anger management counseling, you will learn how to regulate your emotions by first identifying those factors or situations that make you more likely to become angry. You will learn specific skills to use in situations where you are triggered as well as recognize when you’re thinking illogically and correct the negative thought patterns. You will also learn to become mindful and identify your body’s signals that are trying to communicate to you to stop and reset, long before you lose it. Learning how to express yourself will help you avoid impulsive and hurtful words or actions, resolve conflicts, and maintain positive relationships as well as avoid serious health issues such as high blood pressure and heart problems. Your life can be different if you are willing to change and we can help you. For more information about this issue and how to overcome it, please refer to our resources.