
Grief and loss counseling can help you work through the feelings associated with the loss of someone or something very valuable to you. Grieving may initially be so extreme that you experience physical symptoms such as your heart feeling broken, an inability to eat or sleep, or being tearful all day long with a deep sadness. Or perhaps you are completely numb and have no feelings at all. Regardless of how you are processing your grief, you are likely overwhelmed with daily activities, do not sleep well and isolate yourself. These reactions are normal and common. Grief counseling provides you perspective by giving information about the normal grieving process, helping you to understand that many of the symptoms and changes you are experiencing are a normal, temporary reaction to loss. Grief counseling helps you come to a place where you can accept your great loss and determine how you want to move forward and create your life without the loved person or thing, without forgetting them. We will compassionately walk alongside you as you bravely and courageously take this journey of grief. For more information about this issue and how to overcome it, please refer to our resources.